vaultsecrets-operator installation

The contains details of how to install and uninstall vaultsecrets-operator


vaultsecrets-operator runs on K8S cluster 1.16 and up. To install it you would need:

  1. Admin access to cluster

  2. kubectl which is configured to access your cluster and is in your execution path

  3. GNU or *NIX Make which is in your execution path

  4. Vault role and AWS IAM role which grants access to Vault

Install to K8S cluster

The vaultsecrets-operator docker image is located at DockerHub.

To install it to your K8S cluster:

  1. edit deploy/operator.yaml and add your environment variables.

  2. Install using make and kubectl:

cd deploy
make install


Environment variables, which allow to configure operator:

Variable Name Required Notes Example
VAULT_ADDR Yes FQDN with port of your Vault installtion. Operator from K8S must be able to access it. https://vault.default.svc.cluster.local:8200
VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY No Operator will allow TLS connections to Vault, protected with self signed certificate 1
VAULT_ROLE_2_ASSUME Yes Role to assume on Vault vault-secret-operator-role
VAULT_SECRETS_PREFIX Yes Path in Vault, where your secrets are kept secret/k8s
MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES Yes How many reconcile loops run concurrently 1